Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Altar Work

In order to participate more fully in the Liturgy, we present to the children the articles of the Mass so that they come to know the names of these objects and their purposes. There is a three year cycle in which we show the children the different objects used during the Liturgy. Recently, the children in both Level I (ages 3-6) and Level II (ages 6-10) have been spending time with the works of the Altar. Notice how the pieces of this work are real (not representations) and they are an appropriate size for smaller hands.

The children review the articles presented in years past: altar cloth, paten, chalice, candles and crucifix. In level I they are introduced to new articles: lectern, lectionary, tabernacle, ciborium, sanctuary lamp.

The children learn that Christ is present with us in the tabernacle and in the word. The words in our lectionary are taken directly from scripture. After learning the names and the purpose of each of these articles, we spend a moment in reverence at our altar. Children learn to set out these articles in our atria in prayerful reverence.

When you go to mass with your  children this weekend, we encourage you to point out these articles and discuss their uses.