Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Parables: The Lost Coin

I did The Found Coin with my 6-9 group on Sunday morning. We were discussing the ways that God (the woman) might find us when we are lost. One of the older ones in the class said, "Redemption."

I responded, "What a beautiful thought: that he gave His only son so that we can be found and rejoice eternally with the saints."

Susan Bussey
6-9 atrium
Sunday Morning

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Plan of God: As Explained by Our Children

The first month of work in the level II and level III atria we focus on the Plan of God. We reflect on the fact that God does indeed have a plan, it is revealed to us in the Bible, and we have a part in the plan. Below you will find some artwork and reflections of the children. 

Chaos into Creation - 6th Grader
The story of Creation starts with chaos. God created the Universe, rocks, minerals, plants, and animals. Then he created humans.

God gave people the hand so they could create different things. It's special because other animals didn't have this. People made tools and other things.
6th Grader

Symbol of Redemption - 5th Grader
The next major event in The Plan of God is Redemption - the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. After Jesus ascended into heaven, history continued. The part of history we are in now is the Blank Page.

The Blank page is the part of the Plan of God between when Jesus rose and Parousia. My part is to be the messenger of God and deliver His words.
5th Grader

The Blank Page is right now. It is our role to make it a good future. God expects us to try to live good lives and to learn and teach about him so that people who come after us can live like us. God wants us and everyone who lives after us to praise him and go to heaven with Him.
6th Grade

I think the blank page is that it is our turn to make history by doing what God tells us to do. My role in God's Plan is to believe in him and to further extend the kingdom.
6th Grader

The final event in The Plan of God is Parousia. God will be all in all.

There will be peace forever. There will be victory over death.
7th grader

He will wipe every tear from their eyes.
There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, 
for the old order of things has passed away.
Revelation 21:4